On March 11th, ZUA President Yong Li and Vice-President Hongjun Hao had a cordial meeting with Professor Andrew Rae from British University of the Highlands and Islands. Directors from International Cooperation and Exchanges Department, Personnel Division, Scientific Research Department, School of Aeronautical Engineering, School of Mechanic and Electronic Engineering, Aviation Economic Research Center and other related organizations also took part in the meeting.
In their talks, Yong Li indicated that Andrew Rae’s one-week academic exchange played a meaningful role in improving our discipline construction and the quality of scientific research, enlarging teachers’international vision and so forth. President Li also hoped that both sides could develop a profound cooperation on teaching, scientific research, exchange of teaching staff and other fields. Professor Andrew Rae believed that the two parties had much in common in reference to discipline construction and the quality of scientific research. Besides, he highly agreed with our educational philosophy ---“stressing Aeronautics while combining Management Science and Engineering together”--- thus he looked forward to putting cooperation between both parties into practice as soon as possible
Professor Andrew Rae’s visiting lasted for one week. As a visiting professor, Andrew Rae conducted a deep academic exchange with scientific research staff and professional teachers of School of Aeronautical Engineering, School of Mechanic and Electronic Engineering and other divisions, conducted a seminar for students of related majors, and had a discussion with our university on cooperation in running school, the exchange of teachers and students, project cooperation and other aspects.
During the visiting, Vice-president Jinshe He also met with Professor Andrew Rae, reminiscing about the friendship and cooperation shared by both parties.

Being the chief professor of the British University of the Highlands and Islands’Experimental and Applied Aerodynamics, Andrew Rae, dean of Advanced Engineering Center, is not only a member of Aerodynamics Group of British Royal Aeronautical Society but also a Royal Charted Engineer. He is mainly engaged in teaching and scientific research such as Aeronautical Engineering, Aerodynamics and another field OR other fields. In 2013, he was appointed as the guest professor of ZUA and started to conduct academic activities at our university on a regular frequency.